Finding you a job isn't a goal, it's a passion.

Are you
job ready?

We are driven by a passion to support job seekers. We help you to get the training and experience you need, or to remove the barriers in the way of you finding and keeping a job. While at the same time, finding employers the through identifying or upskilling the right job seekers.

We work with job seekers, employers and our trusted partners to meet your training and employment goals, putting your needs front and centre. Because at we use our passion to help you unlock your potential. 

We are proudly the Workforce Australia (previously JobActive) authorised provider for the greater Mackay and Brisbane (South-East) regions.

Finding the

Here at we are all about getting the right people into the right jobs. We work with job seekers, employers and our trusted partners to meet your training, and employment goals, putting your needs front and centre.

How works.

You make contact

You’re invited to meet your employment consultant.

We chat about: job plans, your resume and what types of roles your local community has available.

We work as a team to find you opportunities. review our existing jobs database and reach out to local employers to find you options. We have regular catch-ups and discussions around training, opportunities and helping you get job ready.

You got a job.

We work with you to ensure you’re supported,

in your employment journey and help you access employment funding to get you ready for day one eg: licenses, PPE, uniforms, etc.

We keep in contact,

to ensure you and your employer are successful. Because when you're successful everyone is.

#unlockingpotential partners with some of the region’s largest employers to secure you a job, so you can unlock your potential. If you think you’re the for our employers contact us today.

Meaningful jobs for our First Nations People

At we work hand in hand with our partners to support our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants to find meaningful employment in Brisbane’s South-East region.

Don't miss our latest updates!

The ins and outs of job hunting.

The ins and outs of job hunting. Job hunting can be repetitive, disheartening and exhausting. However, with tenacity, a positive attitude, and the following tips...

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How-to interview, a guide.

How-to interview, a guide. Your job interview is one of the most important parts of your potential career. Here is where you make an impression...

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